Age Doesn’t Matter in Dating: Tips for the Younger Dating the Older

Geplaatst op 29-03-2024

Categorie: Lifestyle

It may sound cliché, and I agree, it does, but you know that one saying? ‘Age doesn’t matter’? Well, believe it or not, but it’s true, despite what you may want to think about it, it IS true. Here are some famous examples, you got Demi Moore and her lover, Ashton Kutcher, then you got Kate Holmes and Tom Cruise, these are just a few prime examples that many couples ages don’t matter to each other, and that is what it is all about, what you and your lover feel, not what others think about it. Because most of these relationships end up very fruitful.

The next statement I can’t agree anymore on. People say that maturity is not determined by age, but by the experience the person has as well as their intellect and wisdom. As a matter of fact, there are many elder people that proves that maturity doesn’t come with age, as their age does not effect their maturity, their experience does. If at 20 something you are ‘considered’ mature, then at 80 you are what? Super mature? No, it’s not a subject of age.

Putting love aside here, relationships work best when based on how the two people can understand and learn to compromise with one another. Sure, feelings may differ a bit from time to time but it is always the willingness in both the people and the determination to want to work things out together in a committed relationship that makes their bond stronger, not the similarities they have nor the differences, and certainly not the ages.


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It may sound cliché, and I agree, it does, but you know that one saying? ‘Age doesn’t matter’? Well, believe it or not, but it’s true, despite what you may want to think about it, it IS true. Here are some famous examples, you got Demi Moore and her lover, Ashton Kutcher, then you got Kate Holmes and Tom Cruise, these are just a few prime examples that many couples ages don’t matter to each other, and that is what it is all about, what you and your lover feel, not what others think about it. Because most of these relationships end up very fruitful.

The next statement I can’t agree anymore on. People say that maturity is not determined by age, but by the experience the person has as well as their intellect and wisdom. As a matter of fact, there are many elder people that proves that maturity doesn’t come with age, as their age does not effect their maturity, their experience does. If at 20 something you are ‘considered’ mature, then at 80 you are what? Super mature? No, it’s not a subject of age.

Putting love aside here, relationships work best when based on how the two people can understand and learn to compromise with one another. Sure, feelings may differ a bit from time to time but it is always the willingness in both the people and the determination to want to work things out together in a committed relationship that makes their bond stronger, not the similarities they have nor the differences, and certainly not the ages.

However, it is a fact that when you go out dating with someone that is older then yourself, there is a large chance it will appear harder and more intimidating at first for the younger generation. So coming up soon are guidelines I put together to help you, if followed, with having a successful date with someone that is older than yourself.

  1. Making a Good Conversation
    Getting and thinking of a good conversation is said and believed, I believe it, to be one of the most challenging parts you can have on a date. It is always best if you take a little time to do a little research about your date or possibly WHERE you are going to be on for the date, before you go out with him or her. When you know some information about the individual that you are going to be dating or even the place where you will be at, allows you to have a pretty good idea of just what to talk about and just how to act in front of this person, but remember, be yourself.
  2. Getting to Know Your Date
    When you are out on a date, you shouldn’t talk too much about yourself (unless your date asks you questions). Instead, you should let your date do most of the talking about him and or her. Everyone loves a good listener, always. Usually, as an added bonus, the less you spill information about yourself the more often your date will much more curious about you. By doing this you don’t look wrapped up in yourself, and people hate people like that, and you create a nice air of mystery around you which everyone likes.
  3. Dressing properly
    Dressing up properly is highly important. You should want to dress accordingly to where you are going and who you are going with. For example, be yourself but dressing up like a Gothic, Rocker, Punk or even a Thrasher sort of doesn’t go well with a fancy dinner in a quiet restaurant with a pretty girl or handsome guy that you really like. As I have written before, firs timpressions last a life time, so make sure you always make a good first impression while always being yourself. Dress correctly to your date, the place and time of the date, and who you are. And remember not to expose yourself too much, obviously that will make your date like you for the wrong reasons, then things go bad in the end cause that is how those relationships always end up, then you are sad and stuff.. So avoid that.
  4. Don’t Falsify Yourself
    I can never stress this enough, I’ve written articles on it and mentioned it a lot in other articles including this one, you need to be yourself. A lot of times on TV or real life you see people trying to impress their dates by trying to be a know it all or acting tough or punk like, this is falsifying yourself, they will find out that is not how you really are. You need to keep an open mind and let your date appreciate you for who you really are, specially when you admit you don’t know something, that gives them a sense of knowledge that makes THEM feel good and then they are happy to teach you and its a bonding moment and stuff, and everyone likes that!

So there are 4 tips, or guidelines, to good dating strategies for those that are worried that dating someone older, or vice versa, is a bad idea or it can’t work out. It can work out and it is a good idea, so do it! Good luck!